An error code “UI Failed To Load” can be occurred on Avast antivirus when you are going to restart the PC after completion of updating process and then tries to open this application at the same moment. Such an error message pop-up on the computer screen if trying to forcefully open this Avast antivirus software. The error dialog offers “Exit” and “Restart Service” buttons through which you can troubleshoot it. But in case this option doesn’t work, then use Avast Total Support which will help you to overcome such an error-message.

If existing or restarting the Antivirus service is not beneficial for you, then follow the below instructions to fix this issue so that Avast UI opens without showing any issue. In short you only have to set the relevant Windows services to make the Avast antivirus run automatically. Therefore, keep your eyes feast on the below points instead of wandering here and there for the assistance.
NOTE: Before starting the fixing process, you have to be assured that you are properly logged in to Windows as a user with administrator permission.
Fix “UI Failed To Load” Error Message In Avast Antivirus by using the following steps:
For Windows XP Operating System
If you are using Windows XP operating system, then you should go with the below steps only
Click on the “Start” button in your Windows and then select “Run”
Type “services.msc” into the box and then click “OK”
In the “Services” console, search the “Terminal server” and right click on it to select “Properties” option
In the “General” tab, give a click on the drop-down button from the start-up type box and then select “Automatic”
Now, click “Apply” on the same page to confirm the changes
In the “Services” console, locate and right click on the “Background Intelligent Transfer Services” to choose the “Properties”
After clicking on the “Properties” button, you should tab on “General” option and then at the startup type box click on the drop-down menu to select “Automatic” option
Now, click on “Apply” and then “OK” to make the complete changes
At the end, restart your PC and try to open Avast Antivirus again
For Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista Operating System
If you are using any of these above Windows operating system, then you should ignore the above procedure and stick to the below one. Therefore, take a brief note on the noted points:
Press “Win” and “R” keys simultaneously on your keyboard to run the “Windows Services” console
Now, type “services.msc” into the box and then click “OK”
In the “Services” console find “Remote Desktop Services” from the options and give a right-click on it
Now, select the “Properties” option
On the “Remote Desktop Services Properties” page tab “General”
Click on drop down menu from “Startup type” box and then select “Automatic”
Now, click on “Apply” and “OK” to confirm that the changes have been done spontaneously
Note: If the service stops running, you have to click on “Start” option in the “Service status” section
At last, restart your PC and then try to open Avast Antivirus again
Are you still getting the same error message after opening the Avast antivirus? If really so, then before doing the software uninstall from your PC you should give a ring at Avast Support Number once. Might be! Your one call will eradicate your hurdle instantly. So, why not taking one chance more to terminate problems? It is 100% sure; you will be provided complete solutions within a couple of seconds.